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Horrible Clash Takes Place Between Pro-Palestine Protesters & Counter-Protesters At UCLA: Classes Go Remote

Classes have been suspended at the University of California after a horrific event of violence took place against the Pro-Palestine protesters on Wednesday. The students present during the clash claim that law enforcement was delayed intentionally.

At around 11 pm on the Westwood Campus of UCLA, counter-protesters violently attacked Pro-Palestine protesters staying in their encampments. The attacking group used tear gas and fireworks as weapons against those trapped in their encampments. Reportedly, metal barricades, plywood, chairs, etc, found inside the encampment area were used as tools to attack.

Alicia Verdugo, a student who took part in the Pro-Palestine Protest, said,” The fact that police did not do a single thing to stop them from attacking us, security and police didn’t do anything to prevent them from committing crimes against us, is the most disgusting and vile thing.”

Another student, Samuel Ahmad, said that he was tear-gassed at least 3 times, and he could hear his fellow protesters fall to the ground in agony. He added, “All of a sudden, 30, maybe 40 students I see fall to the ground with mace all in their eyes,” he said. “Certainly, we were not expecting this. People are screaming for help. We are all screaming for medics to help while our students are flooding the hole made by the tear gas attack. It was fierce, and just hearing people scream on the ground in pain was just an abhorrent experience.” 

Eyewitnesses claim that the law enforcement team arrived at the location at 1:30 am but stood their ground instead of trying to separate the groups. The LAPD only took action past 3:00 am when the clash was about to end. 

At least 15 students were seriously injured during the attack. Gov. Gavin Newson condemned the incident in a statement,” The law is clear: The right to free speech does not extend to inciting violence, vandalism, or lawlessness on campus. Those who engage in illegal behavior must be held accountable for their actions - including through criminal prosecution, suspension, or expulsion.”

UCLA suspended all classes on Wednesday and is planning to go remote to keep students safe amidst the tense situation. The official statement said, “Due to the distress caused by the violence that took place on Royce Quad late last night and early this morning, all classes are canceled today. Please avoid the Royce Quad area.”

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